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دولار / شيكل 3.29
دينار / شيكل 4.64
جنيه مصري / شيكل 0.21
ريال سعودي / شيكل 0.88
يورو / شيكل 3.92
حالة الطقس

القدس / فلسطين

الأربعاء 15.53 C

earthquake today egypt

earthquake today egypt

earthquake today egypt

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earthquake today egypt, Egypt’s National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) recorded a 5.8-magnitude earthquake in the eastern Mediterranean, 502 km from the Egyptian coast at a depth of 54 km.


A photo published by NRIAG showing the epicenter of Wednesday s earthquake that hit the eastern Mediterranean, 502 km from the Egyptian coast

The earthquake happened on Wednesday at 14:37 (Cairo local time), said NRIAG. It added that no casualties or damage have been reported.

Residents of Greater Cairo and other governorates have felt the quake, sharing their experience on social media platforms seconds after it happened.

According to experts, shallow earthquakes tend to be felt more strongly as they occur closer to the surface. Therefore, a lot of people felt Wednesday's earthquake. 

The quake was 5.9 in magnitude and happened 62 km from Lárdos, South Aegean, Greece, according to Earthquake Track website.

European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) also recorded the quake at magnitude 5.9.

In addition to Egypt and Greece, the earthquake was also felt in Turkey and other Mediterranean countries.

The last major earthquake hit the country in 1992, measuring 5.8 in magnitude, killing 541 people and injuring over 6,500 in Greater Cairo.

